What is Physical Literacy?
Physical literacy is important but it's not complicated!
Physical Literacy is about developing confidence and motivation in fundamental movement skills such as running, jumping, and throwing as well as improving our abilities in balance, agility, coordination, and speed. Learning to move our bodies is just as important as learning our ABCs and 1-2-3s. Children and youth develop these physical and mental building blocks gradually through structured and unstructured play and activities in various ways.
Think about it... if children learn how to throw or kick a ball, they can also develop confidence and abilities to learn to play baseball or soccer. Developing physical literacy and staying active regularly also helps to keep our bodies injury free. Adults who didn't develop these building blocks as children can still improve their physical literacy at any stage of life through physical activities that contribute to the development of fundamental movement skills
The development of movement skills leads to the confidence and motivation needed to participate, be healthy, and stay active for life..

Everyone can develop physical literacy
PLAY Kamloops works to ensure programs and activities designed to improve physical literacy are available to everyone through local daycares, schools, recreation, health and sport programs.

Physical literacy is a lifelong journey
Maintaining good physical literacy can help people to remain independent and adapt to challenges associated with aging.

Physical literacy is essential to a healthy life
Physical literacy isn’t just for sport – it's part of a variety of essential life skills that people need to live complete, healthy lives.**
As children, we develop physical literacy in a variety of environments
LAND: as the basis for most games, sports, dance and physical activities.
WATER: as the basis for all aquatic activities.
SNOW/ICE: as the basis for all winter sliding activities.
IN THE AIR: as the basis for gymnastics, diving and other aerial activities.
WHEELS: as the basis for balance in motion and for those with disabilities.
**Learn more about what experts have to say about the importance of physical literacy through our partner Sport For Life.